fitness tips for kids
children are overweight. Why? Because WE are! Two-thirds (66%) of Americans are
overweight according to the Centers for Disease Control/Prevention, with 15-30%
of the children either overweight or dangerously close to being overweight.
That means that nearly 200 million Americans fall into the overweight category.
We are setting a horrible example for our children.
to a study conducted by Weight Watchers International Inc. and the American
Health Foundation, 25% of American children are now officially overweight, and
the youngest are especially at risk. These extra pounds are more than just a
passing phase; another ADA study suggests that half of obese children will
become fat adults.
among children is increasing at an alarming rate, and the health consequences
are very severe," confirms Karen Miller-Kovach, RD, chief scientist for
Weight Watchers. Billions of dollars every year are spent on medical bills by
overweight/obese patients due to (preventable) obesity related illnesses like
diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.
The increasing number of children who are overweight
behind the growing number of children who are now overweight? "Lack of
exercise accounts for more than 50 percent of the problem," says
Miller-Kovach. She also adds, only 30 percent of the problem is due to
overeating or choosing the wrong types of foods. So, let's resolve to better
ourselves, set the example, and get our children moving again.
Last week,
I offered a solution -- a free 45-Day Beginner workout -- as part of the Get
Started Again with Exercise article -- for free download. Now, you can get one
here for your children too. This ebook has workouts and ideas on how to get
kids moving (as well as yourself) in the television room, at the playground, or
at the high school track. There are plenty of fun activities to do to burn
Many people
who are dedicated to making a difference are opening up children's fitness
franchises all over the United States. If you are lucky to have indoor
playgrounds in your area or want to build one for yourself, check out Rolly
Pollies®, which was developed by two former military officers. This is an
example of kid's fitness at its finest.