Fitness in summer-the right time


How to use fitness in summer?

 Fitness in summer and swimming:

Fitness in summer swimming is very good for swimming or sports, called says swimming and sports practitioners in General, most trainers who have the sport recommend catching a Fitness in summer to practice this sport is spoken, or to have learnt, especially children.
The water pressure on the chest and torso while swimming depth increases pulmonary ventilation occupying bathers so high on vital capacity and choice that they grow to more than 30% capacity assumed, as speed increases. The horizontal positions of the body during swimming body concludes the effect of gravity and facilitate the work of the heart, increasing blood volume paid by the minute, it strengthens the heart and circulation.
Swimming trains and strengthens the nervous system, and regulate body temperature than any other sport, goes back to bear the cold. As it exercises in the water, the heat caused by muscular action adjusted with water, does not produce excessive when practicing this sport arising excessive practicing other sports.

Fitness in summer and bike:

Fitness in summer by bike a sports body, and help with weight loss, strengthen the muscles of the legs, and had organized a variety of races, teams were established, and formed associations to organize races.
Easy to drive, low collision of flexible maneuver mega draw will see but I think it's important to wear a helmet for protection during ride
Agile, quick movement, can bypass traffic easily, and return it to the opposite direction in the same way, without having to rotate from far
Benefits of fitness in summer by bike
Improve all body functions and maintain overall health if the practice of this sport for ten minutes daily Fitness in summer bike ride helps strengthen muscles and joints of the body and the blood circulation and improves the heart if from human to a half hour a day and also played for 50 minutes a day helps in the process of building the protoplasm for burning body fat also have interest to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine.
The fitness in summer by bike, a good alternative to running slow because it requires less effort from the knee joints and less packaged
Note: You must drink water frequently to that heat rises and the body is in dire need of water, especially when exercising fitness in summer.
Fitness in summer or in all chapters are essential to improving health, gaining fitness and prevent certain diseases, including interest earned will vary depending on the practice and the duration and number per week. That good nutrition and physical activity are two sides of the same coin is health.
A fitness in summer or all-season help to lubricate the stomach and facilitate job out as it helps to get rid of toxins in the body