How to use fitness in winter?
German study said that the
more intense fitness in the winter, increased risk of disease. He advised
Christophe aiflr, Faculty of health management and disease prevention in
Saarbrucken, the fitness in the winter to avoid the exercise sessions longer
than 60 minutes, or exercise lead to physical stress. As a student to wear
appropriate clothing for the prevailing weather, avoid people with colds, and
varied and balanced meals. The training periods (or intermittent training) a
good choice to gain fitness.
No one should be discouraged
as a result, there is no justification to spends his time bedding and leaves
you dress him. But to keep active during the winter to enhance mood and
maintain the strength of the body.
Exercise fitness in winter or
in any season essential part in any style of healthy lifestyles. The adult must
be their goal is to do fitness at any season.
One can exercise fitness inwinter to rent a video on fitness exercises, try to do some exercises at home.
for example:
for example:
• Archery.
• Badminton game.
• Rolling balls.
• Fencing sword.
• Sessions of fitness
• Five football players.
• Handball game.
• Judo wrestling.
• Swim.
• Ping pong.
• Yoga.